Friday night, as we were both too tired to cook, Greg ordered a pizza. He w
alked down the front steps and headed toward Pizza Hut. He was quickly stopped in his tracks by a huge moose that had taken up residence in front of our building. The moose wandered around and rested in the front of our building.
I went down to take some pictures but we can't seem to get the hang of nighttime photography. Later, she wandered on across the street and we watched her tear up some trees in a neighboring parking lot.
The weekend started off with a nice Saturday- about 25 degrees, little sun, and
no wind. It seemed like the perfect day to introduce our new friend, Jacque, to the bus system. We needed to show her how to get to Wal-Mart and the library. Bought a few things at WalMart. Greg took them back home while Jacque and I walked to the Mall at Sears. We looked around for a bit and then headed across the street to the Great Harvest Bread Company. Mmmmm. Jacque got this yummy Cinnamon Sugar Swirl bread and I picked up a cinnamon roll for tomorrow's breakfast. We met back up with Greg and had a most delightful dinner at Hula Hands. This place never lets us down. Everytime we've eaten there it has been excellent. Later that night we took a delightful stroll downtown. Jacque and I enjoyed dessert at the Cake Studio. We walked around for a bit and headed home.
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